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Amid leadership changes, OpenAI has quietly rolled out the GPT-4o update, marking a significant step in AI advancements.

Despite internal challenges, innovation continues to push forward.

OpenAI has discreetly released an enhanced version of its GPT-4o language model, reducing costs by 50% and improving performance. This update comes amid a challenging period for the company, which is dealing with the loss of key personnel and intense competition in the AI industry. The release follows shortly after co-founder John Schulman left to join competitor Anthropic, and company president Greg Brockman started a long sabbatical.

Whispers of AI revolution: GPT-4o’s stealthy upgrade shakes the tech world

Bindu Reddy, CEO of Abacus.AI, emphasized the importance of the new release in a post on, noting that OpenAI quietly launched a new model, GPT-4o, which is slightly better and 50% cheaper than the previous version. She mentioned that it ranks just below Sonnet 3.5 on Livebench, a new benchmark for evaluating large language models. The model, named “GPT-4o-2024-08-06,” has not yet been tested in the popular Chatbot Arena, leaving some uncertainty about its full capabilities. OpenAI’s move seems aimed at reasserting its technological edge and cost-effectiveness amid growing competition. Reddy speculated that the primary goal was to demonstrate that OpenAI can outperform and undercut competitors like Llama-3 405B and Sonnet 3.5.

Silicon Valley’s Game of Thrones: OpenAI fights to keep its AI crown

OpenAI’s dominance in AI has been increasingly challenged recently. Meta’s launch of the open-source Llama 3.1 and Google’s debut of the Gemini 1.5 Pro have escalated the competition. At the same time, Anthropic has made significant strides, with some benchmarks now ranking it as the top language model provider.

The departure of key talent from OpenAI has cast doubt on its ability to stay at the forefront of innovation. With just two of its original eleven founders still with the company, OpenAI now faces the challenging task of rebuilding its leadership while dealing with intense competition.

Industry analysts believe OpenAI is under pressure to release GPT-5, its next major model. In a post on, Bindu Reddy remarked, “They still face immense pressure to launch GPT-5, and honestly, I’m not sure what they’re waiting for.”

Rumors of Next-Gen AI: Project ‘Strawberry’

Amid OpenAI’s internal struggles and increasing market competition, rumors about its next major AI advancement are intensifying. CEO Sam Altman fueled these speculations with a cryptic post on, sharing an image of strawberries in a garden, captioned “i love summer in the garden.”

This seemingly simple post has rekindled talk about “Project Strawberry,” a rumored next-gen AI model that OpenAI is reportedly working on. A Reuters report suggests this project aims to develop AI that can autonomously explore the internet to conduct “deep research.”

Adding to the speculation, a new “anonymous-chatbot” has surfaced on the open-source LMSYS Arena, a platform where AI companies frequently test upcoming models. Early users have noted that this chatbot exhibits more advanced reasoning abilities than current models, including GPT-4o.

These developments are particularly significant for OpenAI, as it has been almost 17 months since the release of GPT-4, its last major foundation model. Although the company has released updates like GPT-4o and GPT-4o mini during this period, competition from rivals such as Anthropic, Google, and Meta has grown stronger.

As the AI field evolves quickly, everyone is watching OpenAI closely to see how it will address these challenges and whether “Project Strawberry” will become the next groundbreaking advancement in artificial intelligence.