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Google is expanding its AI overviews and introducing new link displays, enhancing how users interact with search results.

These updates are set to make information more accessible and relevant.

Google is expanding its AI Overviews in Search after testing it with selected marketers. This feature will allow users to get more detailed summaries without needing to click through to a website.

This could be challenging for SEO, though it may have some benefits as well. Google initially began testing this feature in May, offering explanations within Search results for specific queries.

Image: Google

A major concern is that this feature could reduce referral traffic by offering more detailed information directly in the search results, decreasing the need for users to click through for more. To counter this, Google is introducing a new link display within AI Overviews on desktop.

Image: Google

As shown in this example, Google is experimenting with embedding links within the text of AI Overviews and is also testing a new link display on desktop.

This change should encourage more users to click through. Google reports that the new link displays have shown promising results in early testing, boosting traffic from Overview displays. However, it’s unclear if this trend will continue across all or most queries.

Additionally, Google is expanding the availability of AI Overviews to more regions.

According to Google:

Following extensive testing and positive feedback, including in the U.S. and globally through Search Labs, we’re expanding the usefulness of AI Overviews to six new countries: the United Kingdom, India, Japan, Indonesia, Mexico, and Brazil, with local language support in each region.

Google is also experimenting with saved AI Overviews, allowing users to revisit past queries, and a simplified language option for AI explanations.

However, the primary concern with AI Overviews is still their effect on referral traffic. Despite Google’s efforts to address this with new updates, some websites are already seeing an impact on their performance.

There’s one positive aspect for SEO: Google reports that AI Overviews have been driving traffic to a wider variety of websites.

With AI Overviews, we’ve observed that people are visiting a wider range of websites to find answers to more complex questions. Additionally, clicks from search result pages with AI Overviews tend to be higher quality, meaning users are more likely to spend more time on the sites they visit.

So, there might be fewer clicks, but the traffic could be of higher quality.

Still, it feels like a potential traffic hurdle that could reduce site visits. However, the new link display might help boost traffic and mitigate some of that impact.

AI search presents a risk for Google as it could potentially undermine its core revenue from Search ads. However, Google is likely to uncover new commercial opportunities within its AI results over time.

This development is crucial for digital marketers, as it may influence your strategies. While we don’t yet have enough data to fully understand the impact, the expansion of AI Overviews will offer more insights.