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Discover how ChatGPT’s latest upgrade can revolutionize business accounting by automating tasks, providing insightful financial analysis, and enhancing decision-making.

In May 2024, OpenAI introduced GPT-4o, also known as Omni, an enhanced version of the GPT-4 model that underpins its ChatGPT chatbot and virtual assistant. This new model can handle text, audio, and images, and even detect emotions through facial expressions.

JustPaid, a company specializing in AI-powered business accounting software, features a ChatGPT copilot. In this Q&A, Anelya Grant, co-founder of JustPaid, shares her initial thoughts on GPT-4o and its potential uses in finance and other fields.

What are your first impressions of GPT-4o in comparison to its earlier versions?

The new model is quicker and significantly more advanced in its language processing. Its real-time conversational support aligns well with the evolving demands of voice interaction. I found it amusing when the model exhibited emotional feedback and subtle nuances.

What enhancements does GPT-4o provide over previous versions?

Users will immediately notice GPT-4o’s superior vision and audio capabilities, along with the seamless integration of text, images, and audio at the same speed. This advanced functionality is likely to keep users returning.

Sam Altman mentioned that GPT-5 might be released sometime next year, but I believe we need adequate time to explore and familiarize ourselves with the GPT-4o version for now.

Have you observed any limitations with GPT-4o?

One notable limitation is the 80-message cap every three hours, which seems insufficient. Due to the enhanced features, the new voice mode is more conversational and concise, causing users to hit the limit more quickly.

How could GPT-4o affect various industries compared to earlier versions?

We continue to observe AI being increasingly adopted across various industries and contexts, including sales, accounting, marketing, and technology. This widespread use is enhancing productivity across all skilled industries by enabling faster hypothesis testing and iterations.

I am particularly excited about its applications in education. The model can provide personalized teaching and explanations more effectively than a traditional classroom teacher.

What notable GPT-4o responses have you seen?

I haven’t had the opportunity to test GPT-4o in as many scenarios as I would like before giving a comprehensive review, but OpenAI has shared numerous impressive content and videos showcasing its capabilities. These include an intriguing video of two GPT-4os interacting and singing, and a humorous rock-paper-scissors video.

What can GPT-4o offer for business accounting?

Working in AI might make me a bit biased, but I believe that businesses, particularly small ones without the funds to outsource tasks like accounting or customer support, can rely on OpenAI and GPT-4o to fill these gaps and reduce the financial strain of hiring for these roles.

There is an increasing shortage of accountants, and according to a Wall Street Journal report from July 2023, we are moving past the era when companies can simply hire additional staff for their finance or accounting departments. AI is beginning to be integrated into society in a manner similar to the internet.