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🤔 Mark Cuban asked ChatGPT to choose between Trump or Biden for a job based solely on debate transcripts.

After the recent presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, entrepreneur Mark Cuban leveraged artificial intelligence for a unique analysis of the candidates’ performances. Cuban, known for his business and television ventures, shared this innovative approach on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. He employed the AI tool ChatGPT to evaluate which candidate might be better suited for a hypothetical job based on their debate skills.

In his post on X, Cuban mentioned, “I cut and paste a transcript of the debate into ChatGPT and asked it who it would hire for a job.” This tech-driven evaluation of political discourse garnered significant attention.

The AI’s analysis identified specific attributes and concerns for both candidates. For Joe Biden, the AI highlighted his “empathy and concern for social issues” as valuable traits for roles requiring interpersonal skills and a focus on community impact. However, it also pointed out drawbacks in Biden’s performance, specifically mentioning issues with “coherence and clarity,” noting that Biden’s responses were sometimes “unclear and fragmented.”

The AI’s evaluation of Donald Trump highlighted his “assertive and confident communication style,” which could be beneficial in leadership roles that require decisiveness. However, it also criticized Trump for his “frequent use of hyperbole and grandiose claims,” which could undermine his reliability and accuracy. The AI further noted his “lack of specifics,” which could be problematic in positions that require detailed strategic planning.

Summarizing the candidates’ capabilities, the AI stated: “While both candidates have strengths, neither demonstrated all the qualities one might seek for an ideal employee in a professional setting based solely on the debate transcript. Biden’s empathy and experience are valuable, but his communication issues are concerning. Trump’s confidence and economic focus are strengths, but his exaggerations and lack of specifics are problematic.”

The AI concluded, “Based on the debate performance alone, it would be challenging to decisively hire either candidate without further evaluation of their professional capabilities and specific job fit.”

This analysis showcased Cuban’s engagement with cutting-edge technology and reflected his ongoing critique of Donald Trump. Cuban has consistently voiced his views on Trump, often sharing them on social platforms. When asked about his strong opinions against Trump, Cuban replied on X, “I don’t hate the guy. I just don’t want him to be President.”

Mark Cuban’s innovative use of AI to analyze the presidential debate performance highlights his enthusiasm for technology, especially artificial intelligence. His interest in AI dates back to 2017, when he predicted that the first trillionaire would emerge from mastering AI technologies, underscoring his belief in the transformative power of AI across industries and sectors.