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🔒 OpenAI’s ChatGPT for Mac was found storing conversations, potentially exposing sensitive information.

Stay updated with the latest security measures and protect your data.Privacy should always come first!

A concerning security vulnerability has been identified in the Mac version of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, allowing malicious individuals to access and read chats with the AI. The flaw makes it simple for someone to find and view your conversations with ChatGPT in plain text on your device.

Pedro José Pereira Vieito demonstrated a security exploit on Threads, which was then replicated by The Verge. Until Friday of last week, ChatGPT for Mac OS saved chat logs immediately after they were sent. This made it easy for another app created by Pereira Vieito to access these logs.

The issue with this exploit is that if users were having private conversations containing sensitive information like finances or passwords, a malicious actor with access to the computer could easily track and save these conversations. OpenAI was informed of the problem and released an update to fix the exploit, stating that the new update has encrypted the conversations.